Wednesday, January 23, 2019

I’m Writing A Book!

decided back in December that one of my goals for 2019 is that I’m going to write my book this year! I’ve been planning to do this for so many years and have been jotting down ideas for what feels like forever. It’s been a long time coming, so I’m beyond excited to finally officially be writing my book. 

I don’t know when I’ll be done, and haven’t worked out all of the logistics, but those are just details! 😉 I’m so happy and proud to be writing and I know that someway, somehow things will workout. I can’t wait to someday share my book with you all. ❤️😻

In short, my book is going to be about my life and everything I’ve been through. I’ll share all about my health journey and deepest struggles. It’s going to be deeply personal and vulnerable and I plan to share journal entries, poems, and all sorts of things I wrote real time along the way in my journey. 

Countless times people have told me they can’t imagine what it’s like to be me, to go through having my illnesses and come out on the other side so positive. People ask me all the time how I did it, how I got through it, and so I’m just going to openly and honestly tell everyone the whole story. I want to really paint people a vivid picture and have the reader step into my mind so they can understand what I went through, and what many people suffer through sometimes for their entire lives. 

I’m striving to spread awareness most importantly for the illnesses that almost took my life and did take the life of a beautiful friend of mine. But I also want to spread spread awareness for chronic illnesses and invisible illnesses at large, because there’s so much overlap in the struggles we face. 

I’m planning to write my book in a way that any age (from tween to grandparent) can read, appreciate, understand, and relate to it. I feel there’s a big lack of health related books like that. I want to talk about the hard things in ways everyone can still understand it.

I want other sick people to know they’re not alone and I would love to also give them hope or inspiration for the brighter days that lie ahead of them. 
I want to help parents, caretakers, friends, doctors, and anyone who has a sick person in their life, better understand what’s going on in the mind of that person they love. 
And I would love to help people who maybe aren’t at all personally related to chronic illness simply just better understand what other people go through. 

I want to help people better understand, and maybe with a better understanding there will be more empathy, and maybe with more empathy more compassion will arise, and maybe with more compassion people will actually take action and change lives and save lives and better the world. 

I believe we can fix this broken system, but we need more people to care, and I hope that my story may shed some much needed light to these topics. 

2019! My laptop and I are going to make some magic. Big things are coming. 💖

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