Friday, April 8, 2016

Reflecting In The Aftermath Of A Bad Day

Well I had a hell of a day...

Things can be going so smoothly, and then out of no where things can do a 180 and go downhill so fast. Sometimes I forget how quickly things can change, especially when it comes to my health. 

Today was like some kind of weird time warp of my life 2 years ago. I honestly don't know how I used to get through it all...

It's late and I'm tired. I'm just doing a lot of reflecting now, thinking about how far I've come.

Today was a bad day, to say the least. It was the most stressful, tiring and pain filled day I've had in I can't even remember how long. But overall, lately I've been doing pretty damn good. Today made me realize that. 

~ It takes bad days to really appreciate the good ones. ~

Today also reminded me how many people are there for me. Both of my parents came home to take care of me when I called saying I needed someone ASAP. My brother made me yummy soup for dinner, his girlfriend texted me asking if I was okay, my boyfriend offered to come over and bring me something, my best friends made me smile and laugh despite my bad day, all the girls who work for my parents were all concerned and sending good thoughts my way all day, and my doctor called my mom back after she messaged him about my bad day even though he was out of town. Everyone stopped what they were doing, my parents especially very literally so dropped what they were doing, and didn't hesitate to help me when I suddenly crashed out of the blue and needed people to catch me.  

~ Bad days make you realize who the people are in your life who are really there for you. ~

Pain and illnesses have a weird way of bringing out the best and the worst in people and situations. On one side I lost a lot due to my chronic illness, but it made me appreciate little things more than I ever could've had I not gotten sick. It made me see things and people and myself differently. It really made me appreciate the people who stayed in my life more than ever too.

Pros & Cons of today
Cons: I had the worst day I've had in a very long time, and it went from 0-100 in a matter of minutes. Also, note that I was home alone when it suddenly turned for the worse.
Pros: Tons of people came to my rescue. I didn't have to go to the hospital. My pain finally subsided. I ate decently today. I took all my pills. I showered. I laughed.

At the end of the day, the Pros outweigh the Cons, and that says a lot because I was in excruciating pain today. That says a lot about the people I have in my life and how much their unwavering support effects me when I faulter. 

Weird day...Super weird. I'm so drained, and I don't know why I feel thankful after such a crappy day.
Well actually, I do know why I feel thankful...
I feel thankful that days like today have become so rare. I'm thankful that so many people are so willing to drop everything to help me and take care of me on bad days. I'm proud of myself for getting through it, and I'm hopeful that things will soon get better again.

Important things I took away from today./ Things to remember./ Advice for anyone listening.

~ Be thankful for the good days and try to learn from the bad ones. ~

~ Don't let bad days make you lose hope in having good days. ~

~ Never lose faith in YOURSELF. ~

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